2015 River Night Festival & Ribs on the River

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Taekwondo Korea Center Seraphim Demonstration Team was invited as guest performers at the 2015 River Night Festival & Ribs on the River from July 18-19th!

As it has only been a bit over a year since Taekwondo Korea Center relocated to Yorkville, it was a delight to take a part in a city-wide festival. Through our booth, performances, conversations, and seemingly-coincidental encounters, we were able to interact and connect to the city of Yorkville. We thank you for the city of Yorkville for inviting us to join the festival. It was our honor and delight.

Our hope is that we will be able to grow in our relationship with the city of Yorkville. We are confident that the world of Taekwondo we try to teach is something very worthy of learning. All of our Masters and Instructors have experienced a priceless growth from training in Taekwondo, and that is one of the greatest source of passion for us. That is what moved us from South Korea to the United States.

Lastly, we are thankful for all the cheers, smiles, and warm words of encouragement and blessings that we received at the festival. They all meant very much to us. Furthermore, we are incredibly grateful for all the members of TKC family that came to watch, support, and even perform with the TKC Seraphim demonstration team.

After the TKC Seraphim's performance, many people came up to us and told us that we were the "talk of the town" and "incredibly talented people". As much as we are thankful to hear those amazing words of encouragement, we hope that our performances don't define who we are. More than being great performers, we hope that you will get to know us as a group of individual that loves and has a heart for Taekwondo and people. We hope that you will get to know us a family.

We want to be a humble hearted family. We want to not lose the first spark of passion that started us is Incheon, South Korea in 1999. We want to be a place of growth, learning, and love. We want to be a Taekwondo martial art school that teaches the five tenets of Taekwondo, courtesy, integrity, perseverence, self control, and indominable spirit. We want to simply be Taekwondo Korea Center.